2020 Mileage Rate drops

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Medical Mileage Rate Will Drop to 57.5 Cents in 2020

The reimbursement rate for travel for medical care and evaluations will fall to 57.5 cents per mile at the start of the year, the California Workers' Compensation Institute announced.

The Internal Revenue Service announced the standard mileage rate for business travel would fall a half-cent in 2020 from the rate of 58 cents per mile for 2019. The IRS bases the standard mileage rate on an annual study of the fixed and variable costs of operating an automobile, which includes the cost of gasoline and depreciation.

The new workers’ compensation medical mileage rate will apply for 2020 travel dates, regardless of the date of injury on the claim, CWCI said.

The California Division of Workers’ Compensation has downloadable mileage-expense forms on its website. A new form with the 2020 rate will be posted soon, but should not be used until reimbursements are made for 2020 travel.