A Stipulations with Request for Award is a type of settlement that keeps your claim open for future medical care. Once you settle your claim via Stipulations you will then be paid out any Permanent Disability that is owed, if any.
A Compromise and Release is a type of settlement that will close (buyout) your future medical care for a lump sum amount. Meaning, you are paid a lump sum to manage your own future medical care. This type of settlement is full and final once the Order is approved by the Judge.
A lien is something that an entity puts against your claim for payment. Meaning they may have filed a lien to recover medical payment from the insurance carrier. Claimants are not responsible for these and are handled by the insurance carrier.
WCAB = Workers Compensation Appeals Board, simply put this is Court for workers' compensation. Legal matters are heard before a Judge.
This is a waiver advising that you understand the Panel Qualified Medical Evaluation process and have been informed of said process, and acknowledge that you are waiving that right. This waiver is needed in order to settle your claim if you have not had a PQME evaluation and you do not have an attorney.
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